Why Are We Attracted to Sexy Halloween Costumes?

Sexy witch, police officer, black cat, even the Brawny Man: we all know Halloween is a time to become someone new, if only for one night. But why are sexy costumes so popular, and what makes them attractive?

According to the infographic below, it all comes down to our instinct and psychology:


Since 66% of people think Halloween is a great time to find a partner for the night, most approach the holiday with the mindset that they’re likely run into someone that they’re attracted to. We look for it, and when it’s easily presented in a sexy outfit, we’re intrigued.

When it comes down to it, however, the excitement and feeling of newness are what attract us to particular costumes. Most men tend to be interested in female costumes that place the woman in a dominant, caring role (teacher, nurse, Wonder Woman), while women prefer men in costumes that either showcase leadership (cop, superhero, pilot) or a bad boy nature (vampire, pirate, criminal).

The ability to roleplay with a partner (to some extent) and lean into sexual fantasies without judgement can be a very liberating and exciting framework. That’s why costumes that pair this with our innate sexual interest in specific characteristics of the opposite sex are the most attractive.

So, what do you do once you find yourself heading home with a superhero, teacher or pirate? Here are some tips to ensure your private Halloween afterparty goes smoothly:

  • Plan accordingly. Hoping to have sex? It might be best to wear a simpler costume. Nothing kills the mood quite like having to undo a million zippers, buttons, and layers. Check out some of the simpler Halloween costumes that still pack a punch of fun and sexiness so you can get out of them quickly (if necessary).

  • Use some (actually effective) moves. We’re not talking cheesy pickup lines or racking up an entire bar tab trying to impress someone. We mean using genuine conversation topics, nonverbal body language, and the ability to be proactive and confident with women in order to build a better connection. Try out our 5-Step Game Plan to get more interest and enjoy the evening.

  • Be prepared. Lastly, if you’ll be looking for a mate at the bar or themed party, it’s best that you’re ready for when it actually happens. This means bringing the usual condoms, lube, and toys, as well as any medications necessary for you to have a long, hard night (here’s looking at you, little blue pill). If you aren’t bringing a car, try to think of creative ways to add pockets in your costume so you can still be discreet.

Our last piece of advice– make sure your costume is a good representation of you. While the sexiness can help you get intimate later in the night, it’s important that your partner find something unique about the costume that speaks to you as a person so you can connect on a deeper level. So, if you’re looking to dress in a sexy costume, consider personalizing one of these to cast the widest, most unique net!