
DC Wingman Guide Coming Soon

We're almost done with the guide after being in DC a few weeks ago. There is a lot of information and cool stats to take in and we want all of it to be organized to create the most comprehensive piece possible.

But first, I want to share with you a testimonial from a guy who drove up from North Carolina to work with us in DC for ONE day that weekend. We're excited to provide these kinds of results so quickly for our guys and at the same time, we're not surprised. This is what we strive to do everyday.

We can't wait to reveal the next city for March and the rest of the year. Stay tuned!

"For years, I was uncomfortable meeting women at bars and other public places - I couldn't talk to women I was attracted to. I knew in theory what had to be done, but try as I might, I could not put it into practice. So I decided to work with Thomas in person, for a day. After just a couple hours,  I was talking to women, and getting their contact information! As the night went on, I initiated conversations with many women, including groups, and grew more confident. Thomas talked me through the mechanics of a conversation - how to read people and yes, flirt! He even gave helpful pointers on fashion. I am glad to have worked with Thomas, and highly recommend his services!" - RS, North Carolina

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