Tip Tuesday: Can A Woman Be A Wingman?

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No. But they can be wingwomen.Every Tuesday, we ask people from Team Wingman & Twitter what they would like me to talk about. It could be a general topic or a direct question. I’ll choose the best one and later that day, I’ll write something and give tips addressing that topic or question.

"Question: Can a woman be a wingman?" 

I've answered this question before nearly two years ago, using my favorite show Entourage as an example. Today, I am going to answer the question in a different way, based on some disucssion that was had recently.

To answer the question, yes. But there are many things that factor in being a qualitywingwoman.

1. Jealousy needs to be non-existent. Whether it's jealously with him being with other women or with the fact he is more successful than you that night, it's VERY important to be selfless as a wingwoman.

That is actually one factor that is NEVER in question with a wingman.

Once a woman sense jealousy from you, she will inevitably back off because she doesn't want to "steal your man." The only time you SHOULD be possessive is when the guy you're helping is talking to a woman that is clearly not good for him.

2. You should give him feedback without bias. You're not just there for show. Maybe, in most cases you are, but your true value can come in by being able to let the guy know if he's doing anything wrong.

It won't matter how attractive you are. There are still things within his control -- that are out of yours -- that can ruin his chances.

3. Having a good time is key. As a wingwoman, your job is to make sure he has the best time of his life -- even if he doesn't meet any women that night. Maintain a positive attitude throughout and don't let bad situations bring you or him down.

Always remember that postive mindsets will dictate positive actions, which will produce the results you want.