What's Been Going On With Me

So as I am making changes all over the place (see above video), I would not want to have you thinking that I am not putting out interesting content. I am...but at other places!

Recently, I have been picked up by TSBMagazine to start a weekly column called, "Ask Your Wingman." Basically, the concept is Sex and the City meets Dear Abby. I will let your imaginations go with that but I think it's a great concept and one that is perfect for me. It will be posted every Thursday and I started two weeks ago. Here are the two that I wrote:

Making the Move and Then Some...

Don't Take Anyone's Shit

This segment is meant to push the boundaries a little bit and get people to think and feel a certain way. I am sure I will make enemies and friends here. But hey, that's what creating interesting content can get you.

The second site I was "picked up" by was Pick-up Evolution. This site has always been one of my favorites because they promote self-improvement and personal development beyond "being great with women." There are only two guys producing the quality content (Legend & Edge) and I am excited to be the third contributor to the party. Here was my introductory post:

Setting Goals and Having Only Two Expectations

And yes, I will be continuing to produce contect here at Project Infinity. In fact, I do have some stuff to talk about so look for that in the coming week.

As a totally shameless self-promo, you can also check out my new video blog teTV (short for Thomas Edwards TV), which takes place mostly in my car. Some good stuff will be coming out of that too!

If you are still confused about the changes I made here, be sure to take a look at the video above as I give a very silly walkthrough of what I changed.

I appreciate the continuous support and please keep sending me feedback and things that you would like to see. It's finally starting to come together and I am excited for the time when I am settled in all of this.

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