A Woman's Perspective: How to Get a Second Date with a Woman

A Woman's Perspective: How to Get a Second Date with a Woman

You see, a girl might go out on one date with you out of sheer curiosity, but the chances of her wanting a repeat performance depends entirely on how into you she is. Which is why in the long term, one date doesn’t really mean all that much. 

So how exactly do you make a girl want to come back for date number two?

5 Dating Myths You Can’t Make Excuses For Anymore

5 Dating Myths You Can’t Make Excuses For Anymore

Many times, there are facts people want to believe in dating that just aren’t true, yet people still allow these “facts” to affect their dating lives. For example, about 6% of singles recently met their last first date at the bar or club. If that’s the case, why are people still ONLY going there to “find love?”

If you don’t face the reality or just believe what you want to, you won’t get even close to where you want to be in your dating life.