What Investing In Your Love Life Could Look Like

Credit: www.beautifulbodybistro.com/

Credit: www.beautifulbodybistro.com/

Sometimes people don't realize how much work is necessary to meet, attract, and have the type of healthy, long-lasting relationship most desired.

I was very fortunate to turn my life around on my own like only a few others, including one, James Altucher, entrepreneur and best-selling author, who posted an update on Facebook about what he did to find his wife.

Within the status update below I'll insert my own comments that I hope can shed insight, perspective, and inspiration for to turn things around on your own, or hire someone to help you.

Enter James.


I had no furniture, I was 20 lbs overweight, no job, depleting bank account, owed the IRS, out of shape, I drank every night, I was separated but not divorced, two kids, depressed and maybe suicidal, and finally, I secretly wanted to be a standup comic.

I also didn't like being alone. I am the sort of person who likes to be married.

In other words, I was gross, unqualified for anything, an alcoholic, and delusional.

Probably paranoid also since I was constantly getting fired from things at that point, despite saving the world economy in my spare time (sadly, I have to refer you to my book for that story, which is a true story).

I had a table and one chair and I had a sofa. I had no plates in my kitchen. I had a mattress on the floor. That was the extent of my furniture. I had some books.

Enter Thomas: "I like how he sets the tone to make it clear he had to advantage that most men would think is necessary to meet and attract women -- another myth we can debunk right now."

I sat on that one chair and made it a full time job to find the woman of my dreams. 

This worked for me. Might not work for anyone else. 


I saw some article recently, "how to bang a lot of chicks". That's not what I mean by quantity. In fact, that's the opposite of quantity. If anything, if you follow that strategy you will fail.

But for me, since I had been fired by thestreet.com, CNBC was no longer using me, The Financial Times fired me, two businesses I had started were failing, and there was nothing else for me to do: I had plenty of time to sign up for lots of dating sites and send at least 100 messages a day to women.

I would arrange dates for lunch, dinner, whenever. I'd go 40 miles to go on a date. Some women wanted to talk on the phone. I'd set aside an hour or two a day to talk on the phone.

Enter Thomas: "Notice how he was willing to drive 40 miles to meet with someone. Only people who have being in a relationship with someone as their #1 priority will be willing to do this. If you aren't ready to do things like this, then it's not a priority."

But nothing really mattered until I met the person. 

If you meet ten people you think you are attracted to, you might actually be only attracted to one. The other thing is: given my situation most women didn't even respond to my messages. So quantity was critical.

Enter Thomas: "The concept of quantity described here comes in two folds. For one, he assumed even though he was initially attracted to all the women he was able to connect with, after talking with them, he realized he was only really into only 10% of them. A typical guy may try talking to one woman each week and assuming that 10% of these women will connect with you and you end up being into 10% of those women, you end up with .5 women whom you may end up in a relationship with -- not even a whole person.

The second fold is that rejection is part of the process and the only way to "overcome" it (you can't actually "get over" rejection) is to get used to it. Notice James ended up rejecting 90% of the women who responded back to him." It only takes one "yes" to forget about all the "nos.""


If I liked a girl in an elevator, I would ask her out. If you worked in the phone-bill collection store, I asked you out. If I bumped into you in the street five years earlier, I would see if you were still single and ask you out. If you served me an egg sandwich, I asked you out. If I liked you in sixth grade, I would find out if you lived in the Northeast US, was single, and I would ask you out.

Dating is like war. You have to consider every angle, you have to be flexible, you can't rely on what worked for you in the past, and you have to be very open-minded.

Enter Thomas: "I have friends whom when we go out and meet women, they get right to the point and go for their number or a date -- and women love this. If you're interested in asking someone out, you might as well do it. If she says yes, who knows...maybe your life will change. If she says no, life still goes on. But if you don't ask at all, it's still considered a no and there's no shot at what could be."

I know this sounds pathetic. I don't care what people think. This is why I deliberately made this a too-long-to-read status update. Anyway, this is what I did. 


I don't have a lot of masculine (or feminine) mystique. Which means I had to work with what I had.


I put up no picture on any dating site. Making use of my "nothing". 

Someone told me, or I read somewhere (I forget) that mystique is a key part of charisma. I have no idea if this is true. 

Most women won't consider clicking on a profile with no picture. If they did, though, then it meant I could start having a conversation with them and take it to the next level. They had already passed a significant hurdle in clicking on me (a profile with no picture) so they had something invested in me being interesting.

Then, if they said, "why no picture" I had an easy answer which was true "I'M ON TV A LOT".


Not that anyone is shallow, but they suddenly went from knowing nothing about me to knowing I am the type of guy who could be on TV a lot. And then I would send a picture right away. 


My biggest rule: Saying NO when everything seemed great. 

If I liked a girl, she was pretty, we went on a date, and it was all systems go, BUT I knew this was not going to be a long-term relationship for whatever reason... then I said "No" and would leave before anything would happen.

A spider can get stuck in it's own web (uhh, is this true? I have no idea) and I didn't want to spin anything I would have a hard time getting out of. This is really the most important rule.

Enter Thomas: "This is where it's important to state your intentions to set expectations for the relationship, whether it's romantic or purely sexual. Make it clear and avoid blurring the lines (do not cue Robin Thicke, please)."

Too many people go to bed too quickly. Two problems then:

- now you have a situation to deal with.

- if she goes to bed quickly with you, she might go to bed quickly with someone else.

So I liked girls who said "No" also.


Claudia said to me, after our first kiss, "I like to spend [she gave a time period] getting to know a guy." I said, "Perfect, I like to spend [insert the time she said times two] getting to know the girl."

This sounds manipulative and even like gamesmanship, and it is. I didn't want to seem like I was in a rush or anything. But the reality was, I was shy and liked to take it slow. So it was easy for me to say that. And it threw her off a bit. Mission accomplished!

Enter Thomas: "Here's it's important to know that when it comes to dating, there is a little bit of "gameplay" to make sure both people are legit and suitable for a relationship. What is horrendous is the intentional, "I'll wait 38 minutes to text her back since it took her 47 minutes for to hit me up." That kind of gameplay is stupid, unnecessary, and explains why people who do this are still single. Once you understand the importance of the cat and mouse chase that happens in the initial phase of courtship, you'll be less attached to the small, insignificant details, like what does "OMG LOL" mean."


Tea, no dinner.

I was such an idiot, always setting up dinners with women. To be honest, you know in a few seconds if you're going to be attracted enough to even consider spending the rest of your life with that person.

One time I took an hour long train out to Coney Island for a dinner with a woman who had been the Olympic swimming champion of some Eastern European country. Within two seconds I knew not for me. But there I was in a two hour dinner and then another hour long ride home on a train. No good.

When I met Claudia I pushed really hard for dinner. I knew I liked her. But she kept writing back, "No. Tea! No dinner."

So we met for tea. And she had a specific timeline. She had a 5pm train to catch. So it had to stop at a certain point no matter what.

Enter Thomas: "This is the epitome of my Perfect First Date strategy, where I explain the significance of shorter dates, especially for busy professionals."


I've already written this but when Claudia first wrote me that she was from Buenos Aires I wrote back, "Great! I've never been to Brazil." Thankfully she jumped over another hurdle to meet me by ignoring my total stupidity.

Shows you either how useless 18 years of formal education is or how stupid I was. Maybe both.

Other situations: I went on a date with someone interested in Kaballah. I read everything I could about it in a 3 hour period and was able to drop all the right terms and sound impressive. Again, this sounds manipulative and it is but two things:

- I fully admit I was in a weaker position.

The myth of manipulation is that the manipulator is somehow "stronger" than the person being manipulated.

But no manipulation ever occurs unless the one doing manipulating is weaker. That was me. Weak.

- I really wanted to see if I could be interested in the other person's interests. Particularly since at the time I had almost no interests other than surviving, drinking, and meeting someone. Oh, and I wanted to be a standup comic.

Enter Thomas: "This strategy is great to see if you could get into your date's interests both short and long-term. As someone who loves video games, I don't expect my lady to love it too -- although it would be a bonus. All I need is her support of my passion and understanding of what playing video games does for my overall mood."


I would surprise on every date. Sometimes I would buy offbeat gifts. I also had a list of carefully researched outlandish places all over the city where I could take people on dates. Hidden restaurants, all-dark restaurants, offbeat places that nobody would expect, etc.

Sometimes I would go to the restaurant the day before and pay and tip with all two dollar bills. So when I arrived there the next day with my date I would be treated differently than other customers. I know this is starting to sound more and more loser-ish but I can't help it. This is what I did. And it worked! 

Enter Thomas: "Although I can appreciate this, it probably would be better to keep things simple. However, this is James' personality so it fit perfectly with showing women the kind of guy he was."


I could care less about the Federal Reserve and the economy of Greece, etc. But three things about economics are very useful in the dating world:

1) Opportunity Cost. 

If you waste time with someone you ultimately won't enjoy being with then that was time you could've spend finding the right person for you. 

For all you know, that was THE time you would've found someone who would've changed your life. Opportunity cost in time is a huge factor in dating that 99.9% ignore. 

Always remember in life: money you can always make back. Time, once spent, is gone forever. 

Enter Thomas: I agree with this when it comes to finding the right person but also investing the time to do so.

2) Supply and Demand. 

By using many dating sites and opportunities I kept the supply very high. 

I couldn't really control demand that much. I couldn't really do anything to increase the size of the demographic that likes me.

But I did everything I could to increase supply so my ultimate "cost" (time, stress, loneliness) was as low as possible while my value increased.

Enter Thomas: This is why it's important to integrate all opportunities to meet someone – both on and offline.

3) Statistics. 

I had no interest in going for someone who would probably not like me. 

And, if someone was a lot younger then chances are I would find them boring anyway. So whether it was right or wrong, I used statistics to weed through opportunities. 

Enter Thomas: James used a filter in order to determine who was good enough for HIM. Notice how it's always about what or who is best for him and how he never thinks about whether he's good enough for the women he's looking for.


I was almost too honest on dates about the things that were both good and bad about me. 

But I had given up on wearing masks to get people to like me so figured this would be an important part of not wasting time. 

Claudia asked me immediately on our date if I could describe what was up with my separation. I had nothing to hide.


I didn't like any games at all. If people played games, I was out. For instance, if someone thought it was weird if I called the next day but then was upset if I didn't call the day after that I felt like some "rule" was being used. This was grounds for immediate disqualification. 

If I didn't understand the rules, then I wasn't going to follow them. 

Similarly, if I couldn't tell if someone liked me by the third date then it was over. You don't need to be a psychic to know if someone likes you in that way or not.

This is not to say it was all clinical and choreographed. On our second date I wanted to kiss Claudia. But I was really shy. I could tell she liked me. So we went on a walk. I had a spot in mind overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge from South Street Seaport. But I got scared.

Then we walked another mile or two and it was getting windy. Finally, we got to another spot and I did something embarrassing and stupid. I made fun of her teeth a little (she has tiny fangs on each side) so I could have an excuse to lean in and kiss. And she kissed back. 

Later I called my friend, Dan, and told him, "Ok, the search is over." 

Today it's dark and snowing, like the moon split into a million pieces and fell to the Earth. Claudia hates the cold so next week we go to Florida. Sometimes I'm desperate and scared. But sometimes I'm happy.

Enter Thomas: The best part is how we simplified the whole process of finding his match. He didn't play games, although his strategies were intentional. And even though he built up the pressure to kiss Claudia at the right time and missed it, he found a way to get over the fear of rejection and went in. And like he said, it's not hard to know if someone likes you, but you HAVE to express your interest in her FIRST.

Look at this story, learn from what James did, the investment of time and money he made, and find ways to apply it to your life. As this is year the Year of Investment, we'll be here to help you make the right investments to better your dating life.

How Long Does It Take to Get Married?

Credit: Life With Gene

Credit: Life With Gene

2.8 years

That comes to about two years, nine months, and two weeks. This number is reported by eHarmony, as they recently released stats on their now married users.

To be more specific, based on the stats, it takes about one year to find your match online and then 1.8 years to get married.

Whether or not it's "too long" is up for debate, but all of our clients who met their match and got married, did so in less than 2 years. For some people, saving that near extra year may be worth working with someone like us. But two things are certain.

  1. Online dating is a great supplement to your dating activity.
  2. It shouldn't be the ONLY source for your dating life (of course, with very specific exceptions)

I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts? Is 2.8 years too long? Too short? Just right? What are your current expectations of finding your match?

2014: The Year of Investment


What is an investment? Let’s look at the definition:

investment | inˈves(t)mənt | noun

an act of devoting time, money, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result

Now, let me ask you something serious.

When was the last time you seriously invested in yourself? And what was it?

I can tell you the last few things I invested in.

1. A year subscription to FitStar, a workout program app to exercise more
Feature: To exercise at home, or wherever I travel.
Benefit: To feel good and boost confidence.

2. Renewed subscription to FreshNeck, basically, the Netflix for ties.
Feature: get different pocket squares, bow ties, and cufflinks for my wardrobe.
Benefit: To look good and boost confidence.

3. Couple books from National Speaker Association
Feature: Learn more about the speaking industry.
Benefit: To get booked for speaking gigs, generate new income stream.

I invested in each of these things yesterday.

Before that, the last time I invested in myself was a couple weeks ago to help me better effectively run my business in 2014. I am constantly investing time, money, and resources into myself. It’s the only proven way to accomplish my goals and be the best person I can possibly be. And I plan to invest in myself even more in 2014.

It’s one thing to invest money into things that may or not give you a return, but when it comes to investing, there’s no better sure thing than investing in yourself. When I sent an email introducing the idea of investing in yourself more, I got a tweet that affirmed we think about it all the time.

Now it’s time to take action.

I like to share different perspectives that can challenge your current state, but you know I LOVE introducing strategies that WORK. For example, let’s talk a little about style.

For some of you, that means fashion and clothing — which is partly true — but that’s not what style is. Let’s go back to the dictionary:

style | stīl | noun

1. a manner of doing something
2. a way of behaving or approaching a situation that is characteristic of or favored by a particular person

Style is your way of telling people who you are and why you’re awesome. That alone is worth investing in — but what do you actually invest in? You can read more about style here

When you understand what style really is, you realize the investment has little with buying expensive clothes and more about how you express yourself. Knowing that will put you in the right direction for what to invest in to maximize your return. We’ll be getting into specifics later this month — specifically when it comes to style.

But for now, I’d like you to share with me here by asking the same question I did at the beginning of this post.

When was the last time you invested in yourself and what was it?

Thursday, I'll share with you what investing can in your love life will get you from a person who you never think would need the help.

How To Become Popular…and Make Women Love You

Credit: sodahead.com

Credit: sodahead.com

I remember back in high school where I was always jealous of the popular guys. They had a ton of friends and girls loved them. I wanted to be them so bad, I did all the things I thought they did to get there. 

What being popular used to mean

I played two sports, goofed off in class, and pulled pranks on the uncool kids, who were originally my friends. Two years of all that and I was still the girls giggled about when they walked by me — and trust me, it wasn’t because they thought I was cute. How many times have you tried to be “popular,” hoping that women would be into you?

It wasn’t until many years later did I realize that all the things I tried to do wasn’t what I needed to attract the women that would normally go with the “popular kids.” And the best part is you don’t need to be one the those people in order to do it.

How to be “popular” so you can attract women

“How many times have you tried to be “popular,” hoping that women would be into you?” Click image below to tweet.
Tweet: How many times have you tried to be “popular,” hoping women would be into you? http://ctt.ec/l7Y4F+

Listen actively. Great listeners have the best ability to connect with people in a genuine, refreshing way that can be very attractive to women. My Active Listening and Rewards Strategy is a simple concept that allows you to take what people tell you and give it back to them in a way that’s relatable, establishing that connection.

Speak positively about people. Even if you don’t like someone, it doesn’t help you to talk trash about them behind their backs. In fact, author, Richard Wiseman addresses research (from his book) that proves people will subconsciously connect the negative qualities you describe of a person to you. But what’s good about that is the same principle applies to when you speak positively. Remember, this isn’t about sucking up to someone (people will sniff that out as well), as it is about avoiding bringing down the character of them in order to build your own.

Get people to talk about themselves. Whenever I meet new people and they find out what I do for a living, they immediately open themselves up and tell me things they’ve only told a handful of their closest friends — and I love it. There’s something cathartic about disclosing things about yourself to other people that’s as fulfilling as eating a gallon of ice cream. The more you can do it, the more they’ll trust you, which will inherently make them rely on you being in their lives.

What’s interesting about this is these aren’t the qualities of the popular kids you wanted to hang with in the past. Fortunately, these qualities will not only make you more popular, but it will also be the ones that will attract the women the want.